Environmental Benefits of Bushes

You can give your yard shape, style, presence, and privacy by adding bushes. Shrubbery can provide accents or emphasize walkways. Many bushes flower at different times of the year and are good seasonal show-offs. Bushes range in size from dwarf and pygmy selections to place the size of small trees. Learn more about landscape designs that can improve your home.

When Prioritizing Your Planting, Bushes are Key Players

Bushes need to be included in your landscaping plan. Which design problems are you looking to solve first? Look for the places where you want to add privacy or improve the view of your home from the street. You may want to plan these areas first, especially front-yard foundations--they immediately build your home's appearance. Bushes can help you achieve the following landscaping goals:

  • Hold soil in place
  • Define specific zones in your layout
  • Hide certain parts of your yard
  • Emphasize walkways along with landscape lighting

Which Should I Plant First, Bushes or Trees?

You'll want to plant trees before planting bushes to account for sun and shade. Since trees grow larger, they have the potential to overshadow bushes that aren't placed properly. Another reason to plant trees before planting bushes is that planting trees requires room to maneuver; adding shrubs after trees keeps these smaller plants from getting stepped on. 

What is Foundation Planting?

Foundation planting refers to plants set near the base of a house. They hide foundations and join the architecture with the landscape. In order to be effective, foundation plantings should be more than mere rows of bushes. Consider filling beds in tiers or layers to give shape to the landscape and provide a transition from the house's vertical form to the horizontal lawn. Bushes are useful in this type of mass planting, and you can complement them with small trees, vines, perennials, ground covers, and annuals.

Match Shrub Shapes to Location

Understanding what shape bushes will eventually assume will prevent you from making a common foundation planting error--choosing the wrong form for the location. Pick bushes that match your expectations. If you want a tailored look near the house, select bushes that look best when pruned. Common boxwoods are compact, geometrically-shaped bushes that look great near the home or walkway. 

Don't Forget About The Branches and Berries

Fruiting and flowering bushes can add a pop of color to your home or garden at certain times of the year. Before you plant any type of bush, ask your landscaping specialist how much sweeping and maintenance will be required. Keep in mind that berries are messy and can stain patios and paver walkways. If you are looking for shrubs to hide the view of your backyard pool, look for a narrow, clean plant and save yourself the hassle of constant sweeping and straining. 

Bushes Provide Privacy 

Shrubs can provide privacy from the outside world. Evergreen shrubs offer year-round privacy and are perfect for blocking unsightly items like garbage cans or power boxes. Tall shrubs can block views looking onto your property and make outdoor living spaces more attractive. 

What Types of Bushes Should I Avoid?

Avoid bushes with dense forms when planting for areas that need good air circulation. Give air conditioners plenty of space as they need a great deal of air circulation to work properly. Choose open-structured shrubs instead or substitute lattice panels near electrical equipment. A landscaping specialist can offer advice on which bushes will look best next to your existing pathways

Finding Right Bushes for Your Home

If you are looking to plant shrubbery in your yard, contact Valley LSP to find the best deals on climate-appropriate plants. Our landscaping specialists have more than 20 years of experience helping Maryland homeowners improve their landscaping. Contact GranitePro at 410.983.6261 to learn more.


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